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    Book an appointment today.

    It only takes 1 minute and will give you the peace of mind you deserve.

    Get in Touch

    We always love to hear from our clients. Feel free to make an appointment to speak with us.


    By appointment only to maintain client security and confidentiality.


    Address 1031 South Bluff Street, Suite 116

      St. George, UT 84770

    Phone 435-414-1404


    The Appraisal Process

    How is the Appraisal to be Used?

    There are many different types of appraisals and their content and form can alter drastically depending upon the legal scenario that’s involved. Values are assessed in completely different ways as well. Appraisers don’t like those facts but we can’t change the legal reality.

    An astute, competent appraiser is going to ask you a number of questions at your initial meeting in order to qualify your needs and clarify what steps need to be taken in order to produce the proper types of documentation. The appraiser will want to know things such as: “Is this for insurance purposes?”; “Is this for the establishment of a trust?”; “Is this a divorce situation?” and so forth.

    Be prepared to answer a lot of questions…and be prepared for answers that might surprise you. A good appraiser will commonly tell you things that you might not want to hear, but to do otherwise would be a grave injustice to you, be completely unprofessional, and could lead to some really nasty, unwanted, legal hassles. On the other hand, a competent appraiser might well tell you some really exciting things that you’ve never even considered and bring to light options that you didn’t even know existed!

    Once the appraiser has a good idea of your needs, and the situation you are facing, you can then continue the process with a very clear idea of what to expect and an understanding of what you are paying for.